Saint Andrew School:
Building a culture of life, and a civilization of love through faith and knowledge
Mrs. Russo's Pre-K 4 Classroom News....
Happy February everyone! We have sooooo much to talk about in February~ Dental Hygiene Month, Black History Month, President's Day, etc.... In addition to that, we have themes such as Valentine's Day, Health and Hygiene, and Nutrition. Our letters this month are F, O, H, and L. For Religion, we have approached Unit 4 focusing on God's gifts of Air, Flowers, Birds, and Trees.
On Thursday, February 13th, we will exchange valentines and have a small treat at snack time (please still pack a snack on this day). If you would like to send in valentines, please do so on the 13th. To make it easier for the children to exchange, we ask that you do not address them. If you could just have them sign their valentines then that would help make the exchanging process run more smoothly. There are 19 children in the class.
There is a noon dismissal on Friday, February 14th and no school on Monday, February 17th.
In the event that there is a late opening due to snow or ice, we will be following the same procedure as the rest of the school. This means that our arrival time would be 10:00. We would not have snack on late openings since lunch would still be at 11:30 and the half day children would be leaving at 11:30.